Education Archives - Cherished Legacy Academy Learn and play Wed, 13 Sep 2023 14:38:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Education Archives - Cherished Legacy Academy 32 32 214553792 EARLY CHILD EDUCATION Tue, 12 Sep 2023 14:25:10 +0000 Early childhood education is arguably one of the best investments a parent can make for their child’s future success. When [...]

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Early childhood education is arguably one of the best investments a parent can make for their child’s future success.
When children are young, they are learning sponges. Every new experience, every word they learn, and every behavior they adopt, is an investment in a more fruitful future.
You can never have a greater impression on a person than when they are in their early childhood years.

What Researches Are Saying

Research consistently demonstrates significant and positive outcomes associated with quality early educational experiences. Children who possess the skills, knowledge, and behaviors provided by a quality early childhood education program are more likely to be successful in school and life, experience improved social and emotional development, and develop strong family relationships.
Early childhood education is about honing and molding the holistic child, which will eventually form the basis of their lifelong journey.

Benefits of Early Child Education

While the benefits of early childhood education are plentiful, there are many elements to consider when selecting a program for your child.

What To Look Out For

It is important for parents to research the program’s philosophy, curriculum, and teacher qualifications, and to initiate open dialogue with the staff about the program. The environment of a good early childhood education program is typically structured and organized with an emphasis on the individual.
Early childhood education serves to guide children to appreciate and accept differences and become well-rounded contributors to society.

It is important that children understand that everyone is unique and special in their own way with their own culture, beliefs and ethnicity.

Preschool is so much more than playing. While the basic educational benefits of preschool (such as literacy and numeracy) are tangible, the advances children achieve towards becoming well-rounded individuals are truly invaluable.

Please don’t let your child miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

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5 Outdoor Activities During Falls Mon, 11 Sep 2023 11:16:11 +0000 As the weather cools off, the days are shorter and seem to be packed with school, sports, and after-school activities. [...]

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As the weather cools off, the days are shorter and seem to be packed with school, sports, and after-school activities. However, getting outside with the kids should be a top priority

Best Outdoor Recess Activities, Fall 2023

In no particular order,

Nature Walk Around The School Building.

A nature walk around the school building can be an awesome idea for a fall-themed outdoor activity with your kiddos. Take in the sights and smells, hang out around a leaf pile, turn over a few rocks, and maybe even pick up an acorn or two! Nature walks are fantastic opportunities for your kids to interact with the natural world around them.

Jump On Leaf Pile

Quite possibly the most fun and quintessential fall outdoor activity there is, jumping in a leaf pile is pure joy for kids! If your kids are little, rake a pile of leaves into a safe location for them. Make sure the ground underneath is relatively soft (grass, not concrete) and remove any long/sharp twigs, sticks or branches. If your kids are older, hand them the rake and put them to work making their own piles. For extra fun, rake the piles into shapes (a number that represents their age that year) and take a photo of them next to the pile from above as a keepsake.aucibus. Mauris quis eleifend felis. Nunc rutrum luctus sapien vel rutrum. Nulla lobortis tempus erat sed tristique.

Chalk The Walk

Chalk the Walk” is just another term for using chalk on the sidewalk. Sidewalk chalk is cheap, inexpensive, and generally safe for most children to use on a blacktop space. Plus, the possibilities of “chalking the walk” are practically endless!

Fall Color Hike

Make the most out of the gorgeous fall colors by taking the kids on a fall color hike! Give them a printout of the colors of the rainbow (or use paint sample cards) and have them find leaves and other items that match each color. Red, orange, green, yellow, and brown will be easy. But can they find something purple? What about black and white? This is a great way to entertain and occupy kids while hiking through the woods or local park.

Capture The Flag

Capture the flag is probably the most scalable outdoor recess activity on this list, since it can be played in a gym, on a blacktop, in a field, or even an entire school ground during a special event like Spirit Day.

Capture the flag is exactly what it sounds like: two teams try to capture the other’s flag and bring it back to their team’s side to win. If players are “tagged” in the other team’s territory, they have to go to the penalty box, where they have to hope to be released by teammates who haven’t been tagged out yet. The same rule applies to a player carrying “the flag” – if they’re tagged out in the opponent’s territory, they have to go to the penalty box and the flag is returned to the team

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Parenting a Hyperactive Child: Making Life Easier Mon, 11 Sep 2023 06:47:09 +0000 Introduction Being a parent is challenging enough, but when you’re dealing with a hyperactive child, it can feel downright overwhelming. [...]

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Being a parent is challenging enough, but when you’re dealing with a hyperactive child, it can feel downright overwhelming. If you’re trying to figure out how to best manage and support your child, we hear you—and we want to help.
Whether your child is newly diagnosed or has been living with ADHD or another condition that makes them extra energetic since early childhood, you’re likely looking for ways to make life easier. The good news is that parenting a hyperactive child doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing battle. By learning how to provide structure, get organized, and communicate effectively, you can make life as a parent of a hyperactive child much smoother. In this article, we’ll explore the tips and tricks for managing a hyperactive kid so you can find balance and peace for the whole family.

What Are the Signs of Hyperactivity in Children?

Are you concerned that your child might be exhibiting signs of hyperactivity? It can be difficult to tell sometimes if their behavior is just typical child-like energy or something more, but there are some signs to look out for that can help you determine if your child is hyperactive.
Most commonly, hyperactive children display a pattern of behavior that is overly energetic and impulsive. They often have difficulty following instructions and staying focused for long periods of time. They may fidget and move around a lot more than other children, and may seem to talk excessively or constantly interrupt others when they are trying to speak. Hyperactive children also have a tendency to act without thinking, often jumping into activities before they’ve taken the time to consider the consequences.
If you have noticed any of these signs in your child, then it may be time to seek out professional advice from a healthcare provider. While managing a hyperactive child can be tricky, there are ways of making life easier in both the short and long term.

What Are the Causes of Hyperactivity?

It’s natural for a parent to want to know why their child is hyperactive. Unfortunately, there is no single answer to this question–hyperactivity can be caused by a variety of factors.
Research reveals that certain genetic and environmental factors can increase the risk of hyperactivity in children. For example, some research suggests that prenatal exposure to nicotine, alcohol, and other drugs may increase the risk of developing attention and activity deficits. Additionally, if either parent has a history of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), their child may have an increased chance of also developing ADHD.
In addition to genetics and prenatal environment, lifestyle factors like diet and exercise can have an effect on behavior. A diet rich in processed foods with added sugar has been associated with a higher risk of hyperactive behavior in children and it’s recommended that parents limit their child’s exposure to sugary snacks and drinks. Conversely, getting regular exercise can help improve symptoms sometimes associated with hyperactivity.
Ultimately, it is important for parents to work with a medical professional to determine the causes behind their child’s behavior as well as identify strategies for managing it. Doing so can help make parenting a hyperactive child easier for everyone involved!

How Can Parenting Strategies Help Managing a Hyperactive Child?

Parenting a hyperactive child can be challenging, so it’s important to choose parenting strategies that are tailored to your child’s needs. Here are some tips that you can use to help manage your hyperactive child:

Establish Clear Rules and Guidelines
Setting clear rules and expectations will give your child structure, routine and accountability. Be sure to explain why the rules are important and discuss them with your child to ensure that they understand.

Set Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior
Consistency is key when it comes to parenting a hyperactive child. It’s important to set fair but firm consequences for inappropriate behavior so that your child knows what the expectations are. This will also show them that their behavior has consequences.

Prioritize Positive Reinforcement
Praising good behavior is an effective way of reinforcing positive behaviors and building self-confidence in your child. Make sure you give praise whenever you see your child exhibiting good behavior and avoid punishing them for minor issues or mistakes – this will only reinforce negative behaviors.
Provide Supportive Environment

  • Comprehensive reporting on individual achievement
  • Educational field trips and school presentations
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A Guide to Understanding Toddler Tantrums Through Developmental Pathways Sun, 10 Sep 2023 11:54:28 +0000 Introduction If you’re a parent of a toddler, chances are you’ve experienced the dreaded tantrum. You know, the kind of [...]

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If you’re a parent of a toddler, chances are you’ve experienced the dreaded tantrum. You know, the kind of screaming, crying, and body-convulsing outburst that can make the otherwise rational adult lose their cool. But before you throw your hands in the air, take a deep breath and hear me out—understanding toddlers’ tantrums is not impossible.
The truth is that toddlers aren’t having tantrums to spite us. They have tantrums because they don’t yet have the ability to communicate or process emotions like adults do. That’s why understanding toddlers’ tantrums requires more than simple discipline—it requires empathy and an understanding of developmental pathways.
In this article, I’ll provide all the ins and outs of dealing with toddlers’ tantrums through understanding their developmental pathways. What are these pathways? How do they affect our parenting strategies? Keep reading to find out!

The Science Behind Toddler Tantrums

If you’ve ever struggled to understand why toddlers throw tantrums, you’re not alone! It can be confusing and frustrating to figure out how to manage these outbursts, but the science behind toddler tantrums can help shed some light on the situation.
By understanding the developmental pathways that cause these reactions, parents can better anticipate and manage them. To start off, toddlers’ brains are not yet fully developed, so their ability to control their emotions is limited. This often leads them to get overwhelmed with feelings—especially when they don’t get what they want—and erupt with anger or sadness.
Additionally, toddlers have difficulty with communication due to their limited vocabulary and lack of understanding of abstract concepts. This often results in a feeling of frustration which can quickly escalate into a full-blown tantrum if left unresolved.
Finally, toddlers are still learning about social boundaries and may push against them in an attempt to get their way. It’s important for parents to recognize this behavior and provide gentle but firm guidance in order to teach appropriate social behaviors.
By recognizing these pathways, parents can gain a better understanding of how and why their toddlers may be having tantrums—and how they can help manage them more effectively.

The Social Side of Emotional Development

We all know that toddlers can throw some serious tantrums. But what you might not realize is why they get so emotional in the first place. It turns out, a lot of it has to do with their social development.
When toddlers play, they’re learning how to interact with other kids and adults in their environment. They learn how to take turns, share, cooperate and problem-solve. Most of the time this goes smoothly, but occasionally there are conflicts—like when someone takes a toy away or will not share—and these conflicts lead to tantrums.
At this age, most children don’t have the ability to size up a situation quickly or communicate their emotions effectively, which leads to frustration and even anger. That’s why it’s important for us as parents and caregivers to help provide them with a safe and supportive environment where they can learn these social skills without feeling overwhelmed or anxious.

Tips for Dealing With Strong Feelings in Toddlers

Raising toddlers can be a challenging journey, and it’s important to understand how to manage their strong feelings when they come up, especially when it leads to a tantrum. Here are three tips for dealing with strong emotions in toddlers:
Teach Breathing Exercises
Sometimes our little ones can get caught up in their emotions and need help pulling themselves back down. Showing your toddler breathing exercises helps them take the time they need to calm down and regroup on their own terms. Demonstrate what this looks like by taking slow, deep breaths yourself and explain that this is something they can do when they need a break or feel overwhelmed.
Connect With Empathy
It’s important to connect with our children when they’re in tantrum mode, not just lecture them on what they are doing wrong. A great way to do this is through empathy, from understanding their point of view and how their feelings make sense in the situation. They’ll know that you care about how they’re feeling and won’t be as frustrated if you let them know it’s ok for them to feel what they are feeling.
Create an Opportunity for Expression
Encouraging your toddler to express themselves through words rather than actions can help prevent tantrums from spiraling out of control. Ask questions about why they’re upset or talk about how you would handle the same situation – this will encourage them to express their feelings too and hopefully help lead to understanding between the two of you.
By using these tips, you’ll have more success managing your toddler’s strong emotions while helping them become emotionally aware individuals who can better handle those big feelings as they grow up!
Understanding Power Struggles With Toddlers
Toddlers are still learning the basics of social behavior and asserting themselves, which sometimes leads to power struggles. It can often feel like a battle of wills between parent and child, but understanding what’s behind the tantrums can help you manage them better.
While it may be hard to accept in the moment, power struggles with toddlers is a natural part of their development isn’t something that should be ignored or discouraged. Instead, try to remember that they’re not trying to cause trouble—they’re just exploring what they can and cannot do.
Power struggles can be avoided by setting firm boundaries with your toddler from the start, so they understand what is expected of them. This should help reduce their need to test those boundaries with tantrums or other forms of misbehavior.
It’s also important to remember that toddlers need attention, love and approval from their parents—especially during times when they are overwhelmed or struggling with emotions. Taking the time to listen, show empathy and offer encouragement will help your toddler feel secure and more easily manage intense emotions without resorting to power struggles.

Strategies for Creating a Safe Environment for Managing Emotions

If your toddler is throwing a tantrum, there are strategies you can use to create a safe and nurturing environment for them. With the right environment, your child can learn to better manage their emotions and express themselves without resorting to tantrums.
Here are some tips for creating a safe environment for managing tantrums

  • Maintain Calm – It can be difficult in the heat of the moment, but try to remain calm when your toddler is throwing a tantrum. This will help your toddler know that it’s ok to express their emotions in a safe and controlled way.
  • Be Proactive – Strive for a daily routine with activities that are both educational and fun, as well as some physical activity to help them get rid of excess energy. If you know that certain situations tend to trigger emotional outbursts from your toddler, prepare ahead of time by setting clear boundaries and expectations
  • Show Empathy – Acknowledge their emotional state by letting them know it’s ok to feel frustrated or angry in certain situations. Showing empathy will also encourage them to talk about how they’re feeling instead of acting out with an outburst or tantrum

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A Parent’s Guide To Finding The Perfect School For Their Child Sun, 10 Sep 2023 10:35:11 +0000 The post A Parent’s Guide To Finding The Perfect School For Their Child appeared first on Cherished Legacy Academy.

  • Introduction

    Congrats, parents! You’ve come to an exciting point in your child’s life — the beginning of their educational journey. Now it’s time to decide where it all starts! The process of finding and selecting a school for your child can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be.

    The key is to find a school that cultivates the unique strengths and interests of your unique kid and fosters their growth. We want you to feel informed, confident, and well-equipped as you embark on this journey together. To help you make the best decision for your family’s future, we’ve put together this comprehensive guide that walks you through each step of the way. We’ll cover everything from researching schools to visiting campuses and applying for enrollment. Let’s get started!

    Deciding What You Want in a School

    Finding the perfect school for your child can be a daunting task, so it’s important to take the time to evaluate what you want from an educational program. First, consider your child’s academic needs—are you looking for a school that specializes in STEM? Do you want an arts-focused curriculum? Are there any special services or programs that your child needs?

    You should also think about the size of the school and its location. You may want to opt for a smaller school with smaller class sizes, or a larger school with more extracurricular activities. And of course, you’ll need to consider your budget and whether or not you can afford private tuition.

    Finally, check out the school’s reputation. Look up reviews and ratings online and talk to parents who have children enrolled in the schools you’re considering. It’s also useful to speak with teachers and staff at each school to get an insider’s perspective on things like culture, student-teacher relationships, and commitment to providing a quality education.

    Factors to Consider When Evaluating Schools

    Now that you’ve gathered information about different schools, it’s time to choose the one that is the best fit for your child. To help you evaluate each school and narrow down your choices, here are some key factors to consider:

    • Educational focus: Does the school prioritize academics, athletics, art, or something else? Look for a school that aligns with your child’s interests and offers unique opportunities in their desired area.
    • Learning environment: Does the school offer an inspiring and safe learning atmosphere? Does it provide extra support like after-school clubs or special education services if needed?
    • Location: Are you looking for a nearby school or a school out of state? Think about your child’s travel needs and potential complications of attending a far away school.
    • Cost: Is tuition affordable or within your budget? Consider whether there are financial aid options or scholarships available.

    By factoring in these points, you can make an informed decision about which school is the right fit for your family.

    Writing School Reviews and Ratings

    One way to narrow down your choices when it comes to finding the perfect school for your child is to read reviews and ratings for each one. You can go online and see what other parents are saying about their experience with the schools you’re looking at, as well as check out ratings and rankings from education websites.

    Reading reviews and ratings will help you get a better idea of whether a particular school is right for your child. Here are some tips to help you when writing reviews and rating schools:

    • Check out both recent reviews, as well as older ones going back a few years, to get a better picture of how the school has changed over time
    • Make sure you read all reviews carefully—sometimes there’s useful information tucked away in the details
    • Pay attention to detail when writing your own review—be honest but constructive with your feedback
    • Use only reliable sources like education websites or government sources that provide accurate rankings and scores

    Writing reviews and ratings for schools will take some time, but it’ll be worth it in the end when you find the perfect school for your child.

    Comparing Cost, Location & Facilities

    Parents should also consider the cost, location and facilities of the school when making a decision. Cost is a particularly important factor, as most parents will want to send their child to a school that they can afford. Location is also important since it will affect how long and how far your child has to travel to get to school, which can be a burden if it’s far away.

    Finally, you should look at the facilities available at the school. This includes things like classrooms, science laboratories, libraries, sports grounds and other recreational areas. You should also think about whether the school provides extra-curricular activities such as music or art classes, or language programs if these are important for your child’s education. Looking at all these factors can help you make an informed decision about what kind of school will be best for your child.

    Examining Curriculum & Teaching Quality

    Your child’s education is too important to leave to chance. When you’re looking at schools, you’ll want to dig deep into their curriculum and teaching quality. This might mean visiting the school in person, taking a virtual tour and speaking with current teachers and administrators.

    When examining the curriculum, here are some questions you could ask:

    • What educational philosophies does the school follow?
    • How does the curriculum compare to other schools in the area?
    • Are there any specific programs that are in place, such as honors classes or advanced placement courses?
    • Are there any special resources or funding opportunities available?

    It’s also important to think about what kind of teaching quality each school offers. The teachers should be highly trained professionals who are up-to-date on the latest instructional methods and technologies. Some questions worth considering include:

    • What is the student-teacher ratio?
    • How experienced are the teachers?
    • Are they certified by their respective state boards?
    • Do they stay abreast of new pedagogy or innovations in their field?

    Making sure that a school offers a rigorous and well-rounded curriculum as well as experienced teachers is essential when choosing your child’s school. This research will help ensure your child gets the best education possible.

    Making a Decision on Your Child’s Education

    Making the decision on which school to choose for your child is a big one and deserves thought and consideration. You want to make sure that the school you choose is going to give them the best combination of academics and environment for their personal growth.

    There are many steps you can take to find the perfect school for your child, such as:

    1. Talking to other parents who have already gone through the process
    2. Researching schools in your area and requesting information from each one
    3. Meeting with administrators of each school to get a feel for their philosophy
    4. Visiting each campus and talking with teachers, staff, and students to get an idea of what it would be like for your child
    5. Consider extracurricular activities such as art, music, athletics, and more that may be important to your child’s development
    6. Establishing parameters for budget and special needs if applicable
    7. Asking questions about safety policies, student-teacher ratios, class sizes, discipline policies, etc.
    8. Weighing the pros and cons of different types of schools including public vs private or charter vs traditional

    Taking the time to thoroughly research all of your options will not only give you peace of mind but will also help you make sure that you are making an informed decision on your child’s education.


    There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to finding the perfect school for your child, and there are many different factors you’ll need to consider. Ultimately, you’ll need to weigh up the pros and cons of each school you visit and decide which one offers the right mix of educational opportunities and social environments for your child.

    Don’t forget to ask lots of questions, take your time to visit the school and make sure you’re confident it will help your child reach their full potential. With the right amount of research and careful consideration, you can ensure your child is given the best start in their education.

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Getting Your Toddler Ready For The First Day Of School Thu, 12 Jan 2023 07:00:17 +0000 Starting preschool is a big milestone for both your child and you. Learning to spend time apart can be a [...]

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Starting preschool is a big milestone for both your child and you. Learning to spend time apart can be a difficult transition, but beginning the formal learning journey is exciting too.

Here are a few tips to help make the transition to preschool a smooth one.

Play school together at home

Use pretend play to help your child get used to the idea of preschool. Take turns acting out different routines like story time, singing songs and nap time. You can also switch up the roles and let your child be the teacher. This will help your child think of school as a fun place and reduce anxiety on day one.

Turn getting-ready skills into a game

Practice fastening buttons and zippers, putting on a backpack and hanging a coat or jacket on a hook. You could turn putting on shoes into a game – see how fast you can do it!

Listen to your child

Ask your little one about their feelings about going to school and reassure them that it is normal to feel excited, worried or any other emotions. Starting something new can feel scary and big – but it can also be lots of fun! Reassure your child that you will be there to pick them up at the end of the day and talk about what those routines will look like, too.

  • Play school together at home
  • Turn getting-ready skills into a game
  • Listen to your child

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